Out of stockEmerging from their shells, these pearls are believed to bring strong health, good luck and great fortune. This silver charm contains 5 white fresh water pearls, hold by shells
Sale!Our stopper fits our Ogerbeads Twisted bracelet or bangle and smaller chain bracelets.
Out of stockFlower buds turn into a sea of colors at the beginning of Spring. And an ocean of fragrances welcomes us into this warmer season. Flower Field represents the best Spring has to offer.
Out of stockWill be shipped random (Universal Core 5.0mm)
Out of stockA universe made out of stars that each represent a story. And an unidentified flying object that wears these stars. Telling a story of traveling beyond the stars and reaching for the unknown things to come. Where do we go next?
Out of stockBeautiful fairytale colors, like pale blue, pink, green with a touch of gold aventurine encased in clear.
Out of stockInspired by stars and craters on planets like the moon, this stopper makes us stop and wonder "what more is out there?" Fit the Ogerbeads bracelet and the smaller chain bracelets/bangles
Out of stockOur stopper fits our Ogerbeads Twisted bracelet and smaller chain bracelets.
Out of stockLove is a Game, 2 people can play and both win by losing their heart.
Out of stock"In our dreams we are able to travel across the universe. Shape it as you want and travel across the stars!" Photos 3 & 4 are shown for example purposes only
Out of stockPink and lilac-colored bead with a shimmer of gold aventurine.
Sale!Silverglass bead with pink, orange and purple shades which glows green in the dark.
Sale!A lilac and pastel blue twisted bead from our Luxury Collection (11/2019) which glow green in the dark. This moonlight has a facet cut finish.
Out of stock"Star Anise is a magic herb used to ward off the Evil Eye. This spice also has magical healing properties especially when used to gain insight and psychic awareness." Photos 3 & 4 are shown for example purposes only
Out of stockBeauty reflects from the inside when you show your true colors. Be proud of who you are!
Out of stockPurple base bead with shades of denim blue. On top of the bead you will find little flowers made with ivory and silver, finished with an aventurine raised dot.
Out of stock2 Tone colored bead, one side is baby pink, the other side of the bead has an old rose pink color. The beads has little silverglass seashell colored petal flowers with gold aventurine flakes encased in clear.
Sale!Fit the Ogerbeads bracelet and the smaller chain bracelets/bangles "We hope the love of dolphins will always be here to spread joy into our lives."
Sale!Pale pink base bead with double pale pink/hot pink dots and little white flowers, finished with a tiny shiny dot.
Out of stock
A dark denim blue transparant bead with gold aventurine and pale blue triangle stripes. On top of the stripes there are little pale blue (almost white) flowers with little gold aventurine center dots, this bead is part of our Luxury Collection (11/2019).